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Remedy Cacao


Curated & Created by Amaris Raiana


Make Every Day Sacred 

with Cacao &

Plant-crafted Chocolate


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Tradition + Innovation

For the Love of Cacao

I am passionate about the healing power of Cacao.

My dedication drives me to source the finest Cacao globally whilst guiding others to cultivate a deep relationship with the medicine-  whether for spiritual exploration, self discovery or health enhancement.

My passion is deeply rooted in carefully curating and creating products that honour the ancient wisdom of Cacao's profound therapeutic properties, while incorporating the insights of modern science, resulting in an exceptionally enriching experience for your overall well-being.

Through the blissful union of tradition and innovation, I aim to provide you with a sacred space to explore and nurture your inner self, allowing Cacao to guide you towards profound healing and self-discovery.

Passion + Purpose

Maybe you know this feeling?


The feeling of longing for a life brimming with purpose.

A life where each day holds meaning and significance.


 It is not enough to simply exist.


You want to uncover the depths of your true calling and grasp the essence of what you are destined for.

If you are anything like me, you have wondered what your true calling is and how to bring it to the forefront for as long as you can remember.


This is where Cacao steps in.


Cacao is the trusted ally, who gently nudges you to reconnect with your truth.

With every sip she whispers to you, inviting you to shed the layers of distraction to rediscover your authentic essence.

It is through this reconnection through your heartspace that your purpose takes shape and you find yourself on a journey of self discovery and alignment.


Cacao is a powerful plant medicine.


She is the conduit that beckons you back to yourself and in doing so she brings your purpose to life in a way that feels just right for you.


Product Reviews

My first cacao journey yesterday. I had no expectations. The medicine was truly feminine & beautiful for me

Path + Essence

My mission and purpose are deeply rooted in guiding people towards the transformative power of medicinal cacao.

I serve as a bridge between the mystical and the practical, helping you cut through the noise to uncover the essence of who you genuinely are.

Medicinal cacao is the conduit through which this transformation takes place.


Cacao anchors us to the timeless core of our being


With cacao as the catalyst, I help you to transition from what was to what is, and from what is to what could be - guiding you towards a more authentic and connected existence.


Cacao serves as a foundational part of my path as a medicine woman


By embracing the invitation I extend, you have the opportunity to weave the divine into the narrative of your life, making every day a sacred ceremony.

Through my offerings, I offer you a glimpse into the sacred, allowing you to tap into its bliss + wisdom and embrace transformation.


Kindle the flames of your own divine nature


Everything I create and curate is here to connect you to love in its fullest form, allowing you to shed the layers that no longer serve you and step into a more aligned and empowered version of yourself.


Ultimately, my mission is to support you in realising the truth of who you are and guide you towards living a life rich with purpose, authenticity, and profound meaning.


Community Love

"I think Cacao chose you so you could bring it to the common man with the reverence and humility that you do; Gods Plan"
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